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焊工师傅的岗位职责主要包括以下几个方面:完成焊接任务:根据焊接图对钣金件进行焊接工作,并做好焊接记录,确保焊接质量。这包括使用合适的焊接工艺和原材料进行产品零件、设备的焊接,以及按时保质保量完成钣金生产任务。质量检查与安全:焊接完成后,检验是否有漏焊、焊接不良等现象,并及时进行补焊或重焊。同时,认真贯彻公司颁发的各项安全生产规章和操作指导,自觉遵守安全操作流程,确保安全生产无事故发生。节约与效率:厉行节约,最大限度的减少原材料、辅料、工具消耗,降低产品成本。技能与知识:要求会氩弧焊和二保焊,能看得懂CAD图纸。同时,有进取心、不怕吃苦、服从上级领导的安排。维护与保养:维护保养好设备和配套设施,保持工作场所清洁、整齐,搞好文明生产。遵守规章制度:严格遵守公司及车间的规章制度,认真做好本职工作,按质量管理体系和5S管理体系的要求实施日常工作。培训与协调:服从班安排,积极参公司、车间组织的培训,认真做好岗位间的协调工作。其他职责:包括但不限于,根据技术图纸完成各项所需产品的焊接工作,完成上级领导交办的其他事项。这些职责体现了焊工师傅在生产过程中的关键作用,不仅需要具备专业的焊接技能和知识,还需要具备良好的职业素养和团队合作精神,以确保生产效率和产品质量。The job responsibilities of a welder master mainly include the following aspects:Complete welding task: Weld the sheet metal parts according to the welding diagram and keep welding records to ensure welding quality. This includes using appropriate welding processes and raw materials for welding product parts and equipment, as well as completing sheet metal production tasks on time, with quality and quantity guaranteed.Quality inspection and safety: After welding is completed, check for any missing or poor welding, and promptly carry out repair welding or rewelding. At the same time, conscientiously implement the various safety production regulations and operation guidance issued by the company, consciously abide by the safety operation process, and ensure that there are no accidents in safety production.Conservation and efficiency: Implement strict conservation, minimize the consumption of raw materials, auxiliary materials, and tools to the greatest extent possible, and lower product costs.Skills and knowledge: Proficient in argon arc welding and secondary arc welding, able to understand CAD drawings. At the same time, they have ambition, are not afraid of hardship, and obey the arrangements of their superiors.Maintenance and upkeep: Maintain equipment and supporting facilities well, keep the workplace clean and tidy, and do a good job in civilized production.Compliance with rules and regulations: Strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the company and workshop, conscientiously perform their duties, and implement daily work in accordance with the requirements of the quality management system and 5S management system.Training and Coordination: Obey overtime arrangements, actively participate in training organized by the company and workshop, and conscientiously coordinate between positions.Other responsibilities: including but not limited to completing the welding work of various required products according to technical drawings, and completing other tasks assigned by superiors.These responsibilities reflect the crucial role of welding masters in the production process, which requires not only professional welding skills and knowledge, but also good professional ethics and teamwork spirit to ensure production efficiency and product quality.
标签: URL: http://www.gdhangong.com/peixun/fushen/2393.html



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